We all love our pets and want them to be happy and healthy for a long time to come. Our dogs are a part of the family, and just like us they might get a little pudgy during the colder months. Thing is, they don’t have holiday treats to blame. Even worse, they in control of knocking off some of that winter weight. We are.
It seems we always have something to worry about when it comes to our dogs. Whether that be the pet insurance process, ensure they don’t go hump crazy, and making sure they’re getting enough exercise. When the colder air hits and we aren’t too keen on taking our dogs out for a walk, what are we to do? Well, here are 5 ways to make sure your dog stays healthy and fit this winter season.
- Doga
This exercise option is a great way to ensure great pet health, and it’s also a great bonding exercise too. Dog yoga, or otherwise known as doga, is a great exercise for relaxation and stretching. Both the owner and the dog can engage in this activity and feel the health benefits it provides. Those who have done doga say that it helps to de-stress, stretch the body, and help the owner and pet connect more. - Indoor Walking
Another useful exercise would be indoor walking. Not a fan of the cold? Don’t want your dog to freeze and get wet? That’s ok! There are other options out there. For instance, you can invest in a dog treadmill. Not only will the treadmill last past the winter and still be useful even in the warmer seasons, but it also is a great option for when you can’t take your dog out. If you are incapable of taking your dog on a walk, at least you can walk her inside the house to keep her moving. - Take a Class
Not really into the other two options? That’s ok. Taking care of your dog’s health is a complex situation. Just like when researching the pet insurance process, there are a myriad of options for the types of places that can help you keep your dog fit. Look into if there are any local classes for dog exercise. Maybe take your dog to an indoor pool where he can swim around with friends. Or, trying an indoor gym that’ll allow your dog space to run and be free. There are plenty of options. You just have to look. - Play a Game
Whether you’ve got a puppy or two or you’ve got older dogs, your best friend still loves to play. So, play with him! This is another way to bond with your dog and get her moving around. Play catch with a ball or get a piece of rope and tug away. Just make sure that any breakable household items are stashed away beforehand. Whatever you do, make sure you’re having a great time with your pet while you get her body pumping. When you see her tail wagging and that big goofy smile of hers you’ll know you’re doing right by her. - Go Outside
Just like the pet insurance process, there are many things we have to brave in order to take care of our dogs. Braving the winter weather is another thing we have to accept and try to embrace. Your dog will be fine if you take him out for a prolonged walk. If you have a bigger dog, he might actually love to be out and especially so if it has just snowed. Take your dog out to run and jump around for about 30 minutes. All that exercise will not only get his muscles going, but it’ll also tire the poor thing out. That’s a bonus for you!
We all love our dogs and want to take care of them. We go through all those other things like going through the pet insurance process and such, so we can take the time to make sure our dogs exercise too. With about 46.3 million U.S. households with a dog, there are a lot of dogs out there who need to keep moving in this cold winter months.