If dog’s are man’s best friend that what are cats? Because of they’re naturally outgoing demeanor, willingness to trust, need for praise and positive reinforcement, and bright, wide eyes, dogs often steal the spotlight when it comes to pets, while cats are often written off as being fickle, aloof, and judgmental — they are.
But that’s part of their novelty and honestly, their charm. Cats are cats, and unlike dogs, they don’t necessarily thrive on praise from humans. They’re not bred to be trusting. Heck, they may not even really want to be your best friend. They don’t really care about anything like that. They live life on their terms and as their human, they expect you to do the same. When or if they want affection, they’ll let you know. When they feel like playing, they’ll let you know. If they did happen to miss you while you were gone at work all day, they just might make a quick appearance instead of eagerly waiting for you at the door — emphasis on might.
This is what makes cats so interesting. Come on, don’t pretend like you haven’t wasted hours of time at work watching cat videos on YouTube. Everyone loves that video of that charmingly chubby cat in a sweater playing keyboard. So far as much as cats are labeled as distant, aloof, languid, and uninteresting, they are in reality, full of personality and quite interesting! You just have to know how to connect with them on their level and understand where they’re coming from as a cat.
Cats enjoy a lot of things, like being left alone, quiet naps in the afternoon, stalking prey, chasing lasers, playing games on your tablet and wasting your data, judging you for still living at home with your mom, rejecting your affection after you play with the dog, and of course, eating good food after getting the catnip munchies. But the best way to ensure your cat is actually happy is to make sure it’s healthy!
There are many things that can affect a feline’s health, from digestive issues, to parasites, to dental ailments. But one condition that’s often overlooked is dry skin on cats. An itchy cat is an angry cat, so dry skin on cats is one condition that can have a negative impact on your cat’s mood. In fact, skin irritation on dogs and itchy skin in dogs is also common, and as with cats, this issue is often overlooked.
Just like the humans who so humbly serve them, dry skin on cats can be caused for a different reasons, such as allergies, eczema, or contact dermatitis caused by exposure to an external irritant such as weeds, pesticides, household cleaning products, topical medications, fabric, or any number of things. As with humans, cat skin allergies can be a nuisance and cause your cat to feel uncomfortable and irritable. Not only that, but as the largest organ, your cat’s skin is its first line of defense against harmful bacteria, germs, viruses, and bugs. When there are several nicks, cuts, scratches, and scrapes on your cat’s skin, this can make them vulnerable to sickness.
Dry skin on cats can be treated in a number of different ways, with some methods being effective than others. While it’s always best to take your cat to a veterinarian for treatment in order to properly diagnose the problem, dry skin on cats can may also be treated at home with natural remedies in many cases. As with humans, first and foremost, make sure your cat is getting enough water and has access to fresh, clean water at all times. You may even want to consider upping their water intake with broth or wet cat food if their diet permits it.
Secondly, pay attention to any possible external irritants that could be wreaking havoc on your cat’s skin. Could they be allergic to something they’re coming into contact with outside? Could it be a harsh household product that you’re using? Keep an eye out for these things. Organic and unrefined coconut oil can be a great natural cure for dry skin on cats.