Time outside is great for dogs, but there are a lot of germs they can pick up outside. This is why it is important to keep up with pet vaccines. Keep reading to learn about the importance of pet vaccines and keeping up with them regularly.
Many pet owners take care of their pets by keeping up with things like heartworm protection and flea and tick protection but forget about vaccines once they grow up. Your pet needs more than just vaccines as a puppy, they need their core vaccines annually to keep them protected.
The reason your pet needs pet vaccines annually, is because of the amount of exposure they get from being outside. Going outside, playing outside, meeting new dogs, and walking around the park all expose your pet to a lot of germs that can get them sick without their pet vaccines.
Your pet will also need to have had their vaccines if you ever want to take them on a plane, take them to the groomers, to training, or to a boarding facility. All of these places require that your pet is up to date on their vaccines.