Did you know that dogs have a sense of smell 1,000 times stronger than ours? It can make you wonder why they seem to like garbage and poop so much. When you get a new puppy, it can often feel a bit overwhelming at first. Not only is your dog full of energy and excited →
According to the Humane Society of the United States, there were 164 million cats and dogs owned by Americans as of 2010. The fact is that we love having furry companions around to make our lives better. However, sometimes our best friends start acting in ways that make our lives worse. If you are having →
Many of us consider our animal companions part of the family. We take them on vacation with us; we provide them the best in food and shelter. We enjoy their company on a rainy afternoon, or playing fetch with them in the park. The last thing we want to have happen is to see our →
Since the beginning of recorded time itself, human beings have kept domesticated animals for a variety of reasons. In prehistoric times, when human beings lived in caves and wooden huts, they trained small wolves and large dogs to hunt animals. These prehistoric hunters liked to train animals because the dogs had keener senses of smell →
Anyone that has ever owned a dog knows that there are a ton of different dog health problems that can come out of nowhere. Many people have become educated to the fact that certain dog health problems follow certain breeds of dogs. Whether someone owns a golden retriever, a boxer, a pug or a doberman, →
If you are a dog lover like myself, then the health, happiness and general well being of your dog is immensely important to you. Dog health problems and complications can turn out to be very expensive, but there are preventative measures which can be taken in order to promote dog health and dodge trips to →
Your dog means everything to you, so learn more about dog health problems and how to resolve them so your dog can live a long, healthy and happy life. Some dog breeds have more dog health problems than others, because they are genetically predisposed to issues such as breathing problems or skin problems. For example, →
Pet owners that have an elderly dog tend to ignore or overlook signs of potentially serious dog health problems. These dog health problems are not overlooked out of spite or malice, but as a result of the dog owner believing the symptoms and signs are a result of the aging process. Pet owners of elderly →
Dogs are our family members. We shower them with love and we take good care of them by feeding them healthy foods, by taking them for walks, and by keeping up with their regular veterinarian visits. But in between visits, how can we further protect our beloved animals from harm and from the potential dog →
Everyone wants to have a healthy pet. However, keeping your dog healthy requires times, energy, dedication, and perhaps most importantly, information. it is important to be aware of some basic information regarding dog health. First of all, in regards to dog health, a proper diet is essential, as is regular activity. A healthy diet and →