Pet owners that have an elderly dog tend to ignore or overlook signs of potentially serious dog health problems. These dog health problems are not overlooked out of spite or malice, but as a result of the dog owner believing the symptoms and signs are a result of the aging process.
Pet owners of elderly dogs should know what signs and symptoms to look out for, as it will protect their pet against potentially life threatening problems. The following are common signs and symptoms of a potentially life threatening dog health problem the dog owners tend to overlook or ignore.
Lethargic behavior is the first sign of a potentially serious or life threatening dog health problem. Many dog owners will notice their dog acting lethargic or sluggish, but believe it is a result of the aging process. However, the lethargic behavior may be a sign that your dog is experiencing a serious illness or disease.
Another underlying indication there may be potentially serious or life threatening dog health problems is an excessive need for water. Dogs may need to drink more water due to warm weather or old age, but if you notice that your pet is drinking excessive amounts of water it could be an early sign there is something wrong. Potential dog health problems that have excessive thirst as a symptom include kidney disease and diabetes.
The last symptom of potentially serious dog health problems includes limping or outward signs of pain. Many pet owners notice their dog looks like they are in pain, but believe it is only temporary. However, many elderly dogs actually suffer from arthritis, which is extremely painful and not temporary.
Pet owners that notice their beloved pet is exhibiting any of these signs or just not acting right should seek the help of a vet. Veterinarians can help diagnosis, treat and cure many of these potentially serious dog health problems.